Anpassbare Sticker-Designvorlagen

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Anpassbare Sticker-Designvorlagen

Wählen Sie eine Vorlage und passen Sie Text und Bilder individuell an.
Fehlerbehebung, um zuk\u00fcnftige Fehler zu vermeiden.", "500_content_3": "Sie haben weiterhin Schwierigkeiten und m\u00f6chten mit jemandem sprechen? Dann kontaktieren Sie unser freundliches <a class=\"contact-us\" href="/help/contact-us.html/">Kundenservice-Team telefonisch oder per E-Mail. Es handelt sich dabei um echte Menschen, die jederzeit gerne weiterhelfen.", "500_content_tip": "<strong>Tipp:</strong> Wurde diese Fehlermeldung bereits mehrmals angezeigt? Schlie\u00dfen Sie Ihren Browser und \u00f6ffnen Sie ihn erneut.", "measures": "Ma\u00dfe", "choose_size_desktop": "Format ausw\u00e4hlen", "choose_size_mobile": "Gr\u00f6\u00dfen", "pack_design_link": "Mehr \u00fcber dieses Design", "filters": {"layout": "Layout", "orientation": "Ausrichtung", "portrait": "Hochformat", "landscape": "Querformat", "close": "Abbrechen", "apply_filters": "Speichern", "filter_options": "Filter", "colour": "Farbe", "colour_filter_copy": "Nachdem Sie eine Vorlage ausgew\u00e4hlt haben, k\u00f6nnen Sie die Farbe des Texts oder Hintergrunds anpassen, um Ihre Kreation einzigartig zu machen.", "uploadable_image": "Bild hinzuf\u00fcgen", "editable_image": "Bearbeiten", "industry": "Branche", "product_options": "Produktoptionen", "paper": "Papier"}, "widgets": {"empty_hub_banner": "Sorry! Leider haben wir zurzeit keine Designs in diesem Format. Probieren Sie es stattdessen mit diesen anderen Formaten\u2026 "}}, "feature_flags": {"dyo-tile": {"id": 1, "description": "A design your own pixel flow link on the browse page", "value": true}, "feature-flag-test-off": {"id": 2, "description": "Please do not remove or modify this. Used for testing purposes.", "value": false}, "feature-flag-test-on": {"id": 3, "description": "Please do not remove or modify this. Used for testing purposes.", "value": true}, "details-page-animation": {"id": 4, "description": "The pack images animate for tailored products on the details page", "value": false}, "design-guidelines-link": {"id": 5, "description": "Show/hide the design guidelines link on the browse page", "value": true}, "details-subtitle": {"id": 6, "description": "Adds text \"This will be the same throughout your pack.\" on details", "value": true}, "size-info": {"id": 7, "description": "Displays size info beneath sizes in action panel", "value": true}, "pagination": {"id": 8, "description": "The load more button and pagination", "value": true}, "test-flag-2": {"id": 9, "description": "Just a quick test", "value": true}, "mobile-browse-v2": {"id": 10, "description": "An iteration on the browse experience on mobile.", "value": true}, "display-filter-panel": {"id": 11, "description": "Toggle to display Product Options and Fillter Panel with Layout & Colour", "value": true}, "display-paper-filter": {"id": 12, "description": "Enables paper dropdown in Hubs", "value": true}, "display-industry-filter": {"id": 13, "description": "Shows Industry Filter for BC and NFC hub", "value": true}, "browse-bc-pack-link": {"id": 14, "description": "Display pack links in the template footer for business cards in the browse page", "value": true}}, "preview_version": null, "experiments": {"allocated": [], "third_party_exposures": []}, "is_tailored": false}">